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CIFP 2023 - Acronym - Negative.png

Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy (CIFP) is a festival of diplomacy that aims to be a meeting point between government institutions, diplomatic corps, think tanks, thought leaders, diaspora, private corporates, business communities, journalists, academia, students and all stakeholders involved in the international relations sphere in an intellectually rich, open, and inspirational dialogues.


With over 11,000 attendees, CIFP has earned its reputation as “The World’s Largest Foreign Policy Conference.” Unlike any other, CIFP has been described as “a combination of an international seminar and a rock concert,” reflecting how rare for a foreign policy conference to display a festive high-energy atmosphere attended by thousands of people, primarily young people.​

2023 Theme.png

With the theme “From Non-Alignment to Creative Alignments," CIFP 2023 serves as a platform for scholars, policymakers, experts, and foreign policy enthusiast from all walks of life to delve into Indonesia's foreign policy strategies. 

This conference aims to shed light on Indonesia's diplomatic history and explore how the country's foreign policy should adapt to a more complex global landscape.

Conference Session 2023


Pleno 1

Puri Agung | 09:00 - 10:00 WIB

Pleno Pembuka | Opening Plenary

From Non-Alignment to Creative Alignments

Festival 1

FPCI Festival | 11:15 - 11:45 WIB

1000 Abrahamic Circles Project: Membangun Jembatan Persaudaraan antar Agama

Sesi A2

Puri Ratna | 11:30 - 12:40 WIB

Indonesia dan Perubahan Iklim: Dapatkah Indonesia Menjaga Kebijakan Net-Zero Selama dan Pasca Pemilu 2024?

Indonesia and Climate Change: Can Indonesia Sustain Its Net-Zero Policies During and Post-2024 Elections?

Sesi A4

Candi Prambanan | 11:30 - 12:40 WIB

Indonesia dalam Perubahan Tatanan Dunia: Menilik Potensi Global South dalam Sistem Internasional Kontemporer

Indonesia in a Changing World Order: Can the Global South Reshape the International System? Which Countries will Lead the Global South and What Are Their Plans?

Festival 2

FPCI Festival | 12.15 - 12.45 WIB

Yuk, Bentuk FPCI Chapters di Kampusmu!

Sesi B2

Puri Ratna | 14:00 - 15:10 WIB

Prinsip atau Pragmatisme? Pandangan Indonesia terhadap Tatanan Dunia, Interpretasi atas Rules-Based, dan Peran Prinsip dan Nilai dalam Kebijakan Luar Negeri

Principles or Pragmatism? A Candid Discussion on Indonesian Views of the World Order, Its Interpretation of What Is Rules-Based and the Role of Principles and Values in Foreign Policy

Sesi B4

Candi Prambanan | 14:00 - 15:10 WIB

The New Kid on the Block: IKN sebagai Faktor Baru dalam Kebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia

The New Kid on the Block: IKN as a New Factor in Indonesia's Foreign Policy

Festival 3

FPCI Festival | 15:15 - 15:45 WIB

FPCI Behind-the-Scenes: Mengenal FPCI Lebih Dekat dan Kesempatan Magang bagi Mahasiswa

Sesi C2

Puri Ratna | 15:30 - 16:40 WIB

The Scorecard: Mengukur Sepak Terjang Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia

Assessing Indonesian Economic Diplomacy: The Scorecard

Sesi C4

Candi Prambanan | 15:30 - 16:40 WIB

Dunia yang Penuh Risiko dan Peluang: Diskusi tentang Dinamika Geopolitik dan Geoekonomi yang Berkembang

A World of Risk and Opportunities: A Discussion on the World's Evolving Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Landscape

Festival 4

FPCI Festival | 16:00 - 16:30 WIB

FPCI Climate Unit: Menuju Indonesia Net-Zero 2050

Pleno 2

Puri Agung | 10:00 - 11:00 WIB

Special Session with the Presidential Candidate: Anies R. Baswedan Ph.D.

Sesi A1

Puri Agung | 11:30 - 12:40 WIB

Living Among the Giants: Launching a Survey of ASEAN Peoples' Perceptions on China, India, Japan, and the USA

Sesi A3

Candi Singosari | 11:30 - 12:40 WIB

Penanganan Konflik dalam Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia di Era Jokowi: Palestina-Israel, Myanmar, Ukraina, Afghanistan, Laut Tiongkok Selatan

Conflict Resolution in Indonesian Foreign Policy in the Jokowi Era: Palestine-Israel, Myanmar, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and the South China Sea

Sesi A5

Puri Putri | 11:30 - 12:40 WIB

Mengidentifikasi dan Merespon Bentuk Baru Intervensi dalam Urusan Internasional

New Forms of Interference in International Affairs: How to Identify and Respond to Them

Sesi B1

Puri Agung | 14:00 - 15:10 WIB

Kebijakan Luar Negeri Bebas Aktif Indonesia di Era Jokowi: Seberapa Bebas? Seberapa Aktif?

Indonesia's Independent and Active Foreign Policy in the Jokowi Era: How Independent? How Active?

Sesi B3

Candi Singosari | 14:00 - 15:10 WIB

The Return of the Angels Part VI: Issues I Care About and Why You Should Too

Sesi B5

Puri Putri | 14:00 - 15:10 WIB

Klinik Diplomasi I

Diplomacy Clinic I

Sesi C1

Puri Agung | 15:30 - 16:40 WIB

Creative Alignments di Abad ke-21: Seni Memperluas Kemitraan dan Melipatgandakan Peluang

Creative Alignments in the 21st Century: The Art of Expanding Partnerships and Multiplying Opportunities

Sesi C3

Candi Singosari | 15:30 - 16:40 WIB

Masa Depan ASEAN: Diskusi Mengenai Prospek Sentralitas ASEAN, Kesatuan ASEAN, dan People-Centered ASEAN

The Future of ASEAN: A Discussion on ASEAN Centrality, ASEAN Cohesion, and People-Centered ASEAN

Sesi C5

Puri Putri | 15:30 - 16:40 WIB

Klinik Diplomasi II

Diplomacy Clinic II

Pleno 4

Puri Agung | 16:50 - 17:30 WIB

Closing Plenary - Battle of the Brains

*Conference agenda is subject to change.

Venue 2023


Sponsor 2023