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Sesi B3

14:00 - 15:10 WIB

Candi Singosari

The Return of the Angels Part VI: Issues I Care About and Why You Should Too

Banyak figur publik menyadari pengaruh mereka dapat digunakan untuk mengangkat masalah-masalah sosial dan isu - isu penting lainnya. Sering kali kita temukan mereka menjadi advokat dalam memperjuangkan dan memastikan kesadaran masyarakat akan isu-isu yang seringkali diabaikan seperti isu kesetaraan, pendidikan, perlindungan anak dan perempuan dan sebagainya.

Return of The Angels adalah sesi paling populer dalam rangkaian acara CIFP dan bertujuan untuk memicu percakapan yang terbuka tentang ide, nilai-nilai, dan aspirasi figur publik inspiratif perempuan untuk dunia yang lebih adil, berkelanjutan, dan setara. Mari berdiskusi dengan para panelis dan pengalaman unik mereka pada sesi eksklusif ini!

Many public personalities are aware that the influence they wield can be used to address social issues and other vital issues in a way that benefits many people. Often, we find them advocating and promoting public awareness of issues that are quite neglected in public discourse, such as issues of equality, access to education, protection of children’s and women's rights, mental health and human trafficking.

That is why ""The Return of The Angels"" is one of the most popular sessions in the CIFP series. The panel discussion here aims to touch off a lively and in-depth conversation on the ideas, values, and aspirations of inspirational women who are helping shape a more equal and fair, sustainable world. Let's discuss with the distinguished panelists their unique ideas and experiences in this exclusive session!



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